I want to get rid of my anger

by Bev

I think I must have been angry from the time I was a child. My mom left me at three and a half years.She moved away and left me to live with my aunt. My aunt did not have the slightest bit of love in her heart. she was a cruel woman. On top of that i could not eaet and I felt depressed becaused imissed my mom.

When my mom came to visit after four years of being away, she never showed any interest in me. She never took me shopping, she never comed my hair , ashe never took me to the beach ect.
My aunt passed away when I was twelve and my mom didn't come to get me. I had to move in with neighbors .

I left the neighbors to live with my brother. We had some personal problems so he left me and my sister alone in the house. He moved out. Scince then i have had bad relationships with men.I do not have many friends. It is also hard to make and keep friends

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Aug 22, 2010
by: Anonymous

Hello St. Vincent,

how are you doing. I read your comments and wanted to ask how are things with you?

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